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Moscow Zoo’s Katyusha contributes greatly to panda research program

MOSCOW, September 10. /TASS/. Panda Katyusha, who was born in the Moscow Zoo in late August 2023, has significantly contributed to the program of studying these animals, Zoo Director General Svetlana Akulova told TASS in an interview.
“Our Chinese colleagues are pleased with the way we take care of the giant pandas. Katyusha has made a great contribution to the panda research program, because people did not take part in her upbringing. She is being raised by her mother, which is very valuable – she will learn from her,” Akulova said.
She noted that female pandas often give up their babies, especially if there are two newborns – then the mother raises only one of them, while the second is raised artificially.
“Ding Ding delivered one cub, but the situation is still unique, because first-borns often give up their cubs. In our case, we had two young individuals who had no experience; everything happened naturally. Ding Ding gave birth on her own and did not give up the baby, so she teaches us as well,” Akulova added.
