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ADB launches new 5-year strategy to bolster Fiji’s climate resilience

MANILA, Sept. 24 (Xinhua) — The Asian Development Bank (ADB) on Tuesday said it has launched a new country partnership strategy with Fiji for 2024-2028 to support Fiji’s resilience to economic and climate-related shocks.
The five-year strategy will prioritize assistance for public sector management, improve access to climate-resilient transport infrastructure, and boost climate-resilient urban water and wastewater services, the Manila-based bank said in its press release.
The ADB said the new strategy emphasizes emerging areas of engagement in coastal protection for vulnerable communities, upgrading national healthcare facilities, and accelerating Fiji’s renewable energy transition.
The strategy will also focus on promoting private sector investment, accelerating progress in gender equality, and fostering regional cooperation and integration, the bank said.
The ADB said it has been supporting Fiji since 1970, and has committed 117 public sector loans, grants, and technical assistance totaling 991 million U.S. dollars to Fiji. ■
